Buyer Policies


DSP partners will use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that Ads do not contain, or contain links to, any Objectionable Content.  Publisher recognizes and agrees that Advertisers, not Kargo, control the content of Ads and that if Publisher in good faith believes that an Ad contains Objectionable Content, Publisher’s sole recourse shall be to notify Kargo and to remove such Ad immediately. Objectionable Content means content that is pornographic, illegal, racist, libelous, defamatory, contrary to public policy, or otherwise unlawful; content that contains hate speech, “spam,” malicious code; and/or content promoting pornography, the use of illegal substances, illegal activity, racism, hate, “spam,” mail fraud, pyramid schemes, or investment opportunities or advice not permitted by law. 

On top of this, campaigns will be accepted on a whitelisted basis for the below categories:

  • CBD

  • Tobacco

  • e-Cigarettes

  • Political Ads

Modifications to this policy

If we update this Policy, we will notify you by posting a new Policy on this page. If we make any revisions that materially change the ways in which we use or share the information previously collected from you through our Services, we will give you the opportunity to opt-out of such changes before applying them to that information.

Contact us

If you have any questions about this Policy or our use of your information, please contact us here, or by mail at Kargo Global, Inc., 826 Broadway, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10003, Attn: Legal. We welcome your questions and feedback.

This Policy was last updated on September 6, 2019.